Ulasan Filem : New Moon
Rabu, November 25, 2009Ulasan Filem : New Moon. Assallamualaikum and hi.. Auuuuu!!!! Hehehe.. Just now im watching Premiere Screening of New Moon.. Awesome.. OOoopss it's "girl talk".. Edward Cullen's so handsome.. He make my heart melted.. Hehehe...
.Cathay Cineplex Mutiara Damansara.
So, about The Twilight Saga : New Moon. I don't think so, if i have to explain and summaries much more about this movies.. All girls already read The Twilight Saga books.. Am i right?? hehehe.. New Moon, with the effect and plot of the stories, all girls gonna screaming!!! Guys, prepare some cotton bud okay!! Edward Cullen's and Jacob Black so handsome and awesome!!! Hehehehe..
There is some scene that will make u all laughing and feel so sad... For those didn't read The Twilight Saga books, its okay.. Just watch and u will addicted with this Vampire and Werewolf.. Last word from Edward Cullens's at the end of New Moon movie.. "Bella, will you marry me.." Oh my god... I cannot wait for Eclipse!!!
Lets take a look some picture has taken while im waiting for the ticket, because im already queue up from 7.30 pm.. Hahahahhaha...
.NUFFNANG counter.
.got the ticket.
.pop corn!! I love pop corn.
.CLINIQUE sample, they give free sample while im waiting for New Moon movies.
.bIG sUrPriSe!!.
.Who is that guys?? Heheheeh.. Its Noh, from "HUJAN" Band.. Awesome!! All the best for Noh and HUJAN!!.
.Noh from "HUJAN" and Naim.
- tO nuFFnanG -
.We are totally happy and and enjoy New Moon, thank you so much NUFFNANG!!!.