Colour Me Corby

Colour Me Corby

Colour Me Corby | Talk about color, everybody have their own color. What is the most important is "What Color is Your Life".. As a nuffnanger i have a chance to share how colorful is my life. Im just a simple girl that love to see everything in beautiful and colorful. The best color in my life is my parent, my siblings, my special ones, blogger friend, my friend, my super duper gadget and my hand bag... hahaha.. People make me realize that not everybody like me and not everybody i like.. hehe.. but, dont let people take away my colorful life.

Colour Me Corby

Colour Me Corby
.people that always and support me.

Happy and laughing is my tag line. Blogger knows about me more than a friend (isn't it you guys??). Im not the one who shows what am i doing and tell everybody i have this and those, and start behave with swank. Ohh no.. Its totally not me.. I will story if all the story is happens to me or i have that thing.. yay!! Sharing is Caring... As a teenage girl, i cannot stop what people think about me and for the best solution is.. run away from those people and doing my favorite hobbies.. I love watch movies (nuffnang make my hobbies more awesome.. got premier screening ticket.. thanks nuffnang), love exercise at titiwangsa lake garden.. So awesome with the green and beautiful scenery, love to take picture, arts, i love love to collect latest gadget, and last but not least.. i love make my hand bag full with things.. Hahahaha..

Things must have in my hand bag

.my basic make up, (wish i have Doraemon pouch, not heavy to carry and cute.. hehe..).

 Colour Me Corby
.my wallet.. simple.. (everything is under one roof.. hehe.).

Colour Me Corby
.eye care.

Colour Me Corby
 .my mp3 player.

Colour Me Corby
.my handphone (totally in a dying state).

Colour Me Corby

.my pass, ID card and those buttons (im lovin it).

Colour Me Corby

.my hand bag (always carry on my arms.. yay!!).

 My Desk and place that i wrote about "Colour Me Corby"

Colour Me Corby
.my desk.

My Stuff that make my life more colorful

 Colour Me Corby
.my cute clock, so noisy when it rings every 5 am in the morning (sleepy..).

Colour Me Corby

.my college bag (awesome!!)

Colour Me Corby

.my favorite books, every day i read and always with me wherever i go.

Colour Me Corby

my bed.. isn't it so colorful and im totally love it.. Im happy going back home.

Colour Me Corby

.my bag collection.. hahaha.. too many.

Colour Me Corby

.my kurung wardrobe.

All above picture is the main item that make my life complete and colorful.. Not every people can make me or you happy.. Am i right? People change and sometimes they forgot what have they promise or say.. Promise to be together, sometimes it won't happens.. Promise will go vacation and chill together, but they didn't keep promise and the worst thing is, when people promise to be "best friend forever and ever".. Argg!! its totally sucks when people easy to say promise..

Color in my life is me, myself and i.. Im the one make others happy, im the one make my mother proud at me, im the one join this contest (hehehe... awesome statement), im the one who choose what am i want and make it real to archive the target.. Im the one find a good friends.. First of all, to make everybody around you happy is make your self happy first.. Relax and calm your self even though you have a big problem inside your head.. Chill out with your friend and make others happy can make your life is much much more colorful.. Im doing this and yes it is.. Let people do what they like but prepare your self with the big size armour. Okeyh??

If somebody didn't like you, make they like you.. Even its hard, at last you got the happiest moment on the earth.. Trust me.. That's is the color of my life.. Sometimes we had a different attitude, style, culture and heart, try to make it not a problem.. Make it as an experiences..

Colour Me Corby
.with Samsung Corby @ Wangsa Maju (hope i got this Cupid Pink Corby phone... yay!!).

 Colour Me Corby
.still wrap.. but im already explore Samsung Corby Cupis Pink.. yay!.

Some overview from youtube and google, while google-ing and youtube-ing... i found this..

2PM (Korean Stars)

Colour Me Corby

.All of them are so hot.

This is color of my life and hopefully Corby will make my life more colorful. Everything i do in this world will make my life full with colors.. Thank you Nuffnang and Samsung. For more info about this contest, log on to:-

14 Ulasan

PERHATIAN: Pihak RUBY.MY tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas komen-komen yang diberikan oleh pembaca. Sila pastikan anda fikir terlebih dahulu sebelum meninggalkan komen yang berbaur negatif. Segala komen adalah hak dan tanggungjawab anda sendiri.

Setiap penulisan dan komen adalah termaktub dalam Akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia 1998. Akta ini merupakan undang-undang siber yang digubal di Malaysia pada 15 Oktober 1998, dan mendapat perkenan Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada 23 September 1998. Ia mula berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 1999.

Seseorang yang melanggar atau melakukan kesalahan akan disabitkan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM50,000 atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi satu tahun atau kedua-duanya dan juga boleh didenda selanjutnya RM1,000 bagi setiap hari atau sebahagian daripada sehari kesalahan diteruskan selepas pensabitan.

  1. haha,banyangkan jika xde wrna..fuhh,hitam putih jek..
    Thank follow me Rabiatul,.i will follow you..heheh Digi theme

  2. hitam putih.. tak dapat bayangkan.. mesti muka saya tak ceria dan arghh bosannya.. hehe...

  3. kecantikan pun hilang haha..
    Exchange link Rabiatul dpt juga i comments blog awk ari2..

  4. eh eh eh. guna vaseline and sukaaa gila guna eyeliner brand secret :) baru tadi beli sebab promo harga 9.90. selalu harga 13.90 :P

    n btw, ok tak silkygirl punya foundation tu? tadi test tapi tula... nak beli xtau ok ke tak.

  5. hello ... nice posting ;)
    wish u good luck on this contest :)
    tat nite at GSC , too many ppl , duno who is bloggers n who is not :P
    so , even if u were standing beside oso might not know !
    hahahaha .....
    perhaps 1 day when got chance we can meet :P
    for contest or nuffnang event hehe ......

  6. hye there.
    have a visit to our kebaya blog shop :)

  7. Johny Tim : Thanks.. Nanti i letak ur url kat my blog list k.. Rerajin update, nanti saya tak perasan blog awak kat mana.. Panjang list tu.. hahaha..

    Miera : Hi miera.. Huge collection.. That's why saya suka melaram.. hehe...

    Wawan : Thanks tau.. Rajin u nanged.. Nanti i nanged ur post k.. xoxo

    NN : bestkan guna vaseline, mudah je.. calit2 jer.. hehe.. silky girl?? bg saya ok je NN.. Saya amik foundation color "medium" and compact powder color "nude".. Nanti jadi sama ngan warna skin yg asal.. Because Medium gelap skit. Kalau dua2 warna cerah.. Macam tepung gomak plak.. haha.. Actually compact powder tu basah ngan span dah ok je.. Tp nak tahan lama, put a little foundation.. hehe.. panjang plak khutbah ni. hehe.. thank NN kerana melawat blg nih.. :)

    Bolloq : I'll lastik u balik!! yay!!

    Jack Ng : Hi Jack Ng.. Ya, im also lost at the event.. too crowded.. Yeah.. will meet you.. cant wait.. hopefully i have more and more and more friend.. Thanks Jack Ng..


    Ain-Alin : Will visit.. thanks for drop by.. xoxo..

  8. hello again , i will go for the avatar at 1U ... :)

  9. new tourist in ur page..nice blog babe..

    u dapat invitation nuffnang tak? kalu dapat kita jumpa kat sana yea babe..=)


Catat Ulasan

PERHATIAN: Pihak RUBY.MY tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas komen-komen yang diberikan oleh pembaca. Sila pastikan anda fikir terlebih dahulu sebelum meninggalkan komen yang berbaur negatif. Segala komen adalah hak dan tanggungjawab anda sendiri.

Setiap penulisan dan komen adalah termaktub dalam Akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia 1998. Akta ini merupakan undang-undang siber yang digubal di Malaysia pada 15 Oktober 1998, dan mendapat perkenan Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada 23 September 1998. Ia mula berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 1999.

Seseorang yang melanggar atau melakukan kesalahan akan disabitkan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM50,000 atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi satu tahun atau kedua-duanya dan juga boleh didenda selanjutnya RM1,000 bagi setiap hari atau sebahagian daripada sehari kesalahan diteruskan selepas pensabitan.

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