.Sunway Extreme Park.
I Love My Samsung Corby
I was working until 11pm on Friday night, going back home and arrive about 12.30 am.. After take a shower, i still cannot sleep and i turn my laptop. Surf internet, wrote a blog about My Valentines Day for Nuffnang. Then suddenly i saw my watch was 4am. OMG! I must sleep, if not i will don't have energy for Corby Carnival for tomorrow. So, i sleep on 4 am and wish that i will wake up on 5 am. One hour only okay lar.. Then... I woke up on 8am!!! Argh!!! Im totally late.. Today im using public transport! From Gombak to Kelana Jaya and take rapid KL bus U623 is about 1 and half an hour.. OMG..! I was thinking not going to Sunway, but Zaid call me and text me "datang la. datang la.. boleh la masuk.. boleh..".. I ask him to ask Nuffnang, registration until what time, he said until 11.30 am.. Wahh.. i immediately prepare my self and rushing to Sunway..
Hrmm.. When i sampai kat Sunway Pyramid dalam jam 11 am, i sesat pula!!! Ayoyo.. Which Entrance Door.. Im getting confuse.. Tanya org, org cakap kat sana la.. sini la.. Then i masuk dalam Sunway Pyramid, i ikut jer sign kat situ.. Thank god i sampai and found Nuffies.. Im so sorry guys.. Hrmm.. Thats why i didn't get the orange shirt.. They already kemas dan thank god masa i datang dia org masih ada and bagi i masuk!!.. Nak nangis dah tau.. Because masa i buat blog post "Color Me Corby" tu.. i dah buat bebetul.. Hrmm..
I just being a photographer for my team, i missed upacara pecahkan belon.. I missed games tarik tali, and game yang tinggal hanyalah Wall climbing and Paintball.. Wa... I dont know how to participate.. Because u all bayangkan la my body ni dah la big size.. So nak panjat Wall tu confirm tak lepas!!!! Yang kurus slim pun tak lepas naik tau.. waaaa..... Naib baik ada si Azree tu.. hahaha..
Then paintball games, i also not participate.. because "u wanna try or y wanna corby?"... Of cause i want corby.. So let the professional player play!! Hahaha.. Smart strategy hah..
So, i just snap.. snap the picture using Zaid DSLR.. haha.. i dunt have any camera la.. will buy end of this month.. Doakan saya dapat membeli Canon EOS 7D ok.. hehe.. :D Anyway thank to Zaid, whether he like it or not im using his camera, i still wanna give a big thanks to him..
:: I wanna tell u a little bit about my life, when my father still alive.. Now he already passed away. When i got a letter of confirmation to study in university, he ask me,.. "what do you want? A laptop or DSLR camera..".. I told him "Both of that thing i want!".. with a smile.. But he said, "choose one only"... Hrmm.. because im study in Information Technology, so im choosing a laptop.. Acer TravelMate 2410.. On that time the prices was RM 4999.. Almost RM 5000.. Now?? Hrmm.. technologies grow up like me.. So, i dont have any camera ever.. i think maybe my father want me learn how to refinance my financial.. Hahaha... Missed my father.. Really missed him.. ;( ::
Berbalik kepada Corby pulak lah yer.. hehe.. After semua game dah selesai, lets go makan- makan...

.Orange Team.
Hrmm.. When i sampai kat Sunway Pyramid dalam jam 11 am, i sesat pula!!! Ayoyo.. Which Entrance Door.. Im getting confuse.. Tanya org, org cakap kat sana la.. sini la.. Then i masuk dalam Sunway Pyramid, i ikut jer sign kat situ.. Thank god i sampai and found Nuffies.. Im so sorry guys.. Hrmm.. Thats why i didn't get the orange shirt.. They already kemas dan thank god masa i datang dia org masih ada and bagi i masuk!!.. Nak nangis dah tau.. Because masa i buat blog post "Color Me Corby" tu.. i dah buat bebetul.. Hrmm..
Terima kasih Nuffnang, Promise never done like this again!
I just being a photographer for my team, i missed upacara pecahkan belon.. I missed games tarik tali, and game yang tinggal hanyalah Wall climbing and Paintball.. Wa... I dont know how to participate.. Because u all bayangkan la my body ni dah la big size.. So nak panjat Wall tu confirm tak lepas!!!! Yang kurus slim pun tak lepas naik tau.. waaaa..... Naib baik ada si Azree tu.. hahaha..
.The MC's. He's so active!.
.pecahkan belon mereka!.
.tarik tali.
.wall climbing.
.Orange Team Member.
.Paintball Player.
.pity for Sam, he got mark from paint ball and its blue.(our team done it - sorry Sam) OMG!.
.St John Bulan Sabit Merah rescue.
So, i just snap.. snap the picture using Zaid DSLR.. haha.. i dunt have any camera la.. will buy end of this month.. Doakan saya dapat membeli Canon EOS 7D ok.. hehe.. :D Anyway thank to Zaid, whether he like it or not im using his camera, i still wanna give a big thanks to him..
:: I wanna tell u a little bit about my life, when my father still alive.. Now he already passed away. When i got a letter of confirmation to study in university, he ask me,.. "what do you want? A laptop or DSLR camera..".. I told him "Both of that thing i want!".. with a smile.. But he said, "choose one only"... Hrmm.. because im study in Information Technology, so im choosing a laptop.. Acer TravelMate 2410.. On that time the prices was RM 4999.. Almost RM 5000.. Now?? Hrmm.. technologies grow up like me.. So, i dont have any camera ever.. i think maybe my father want me learn how to refinance my financial.. Hahaha... Missed my father.. Really missed him.. ;( ::
Berbalik kepada Corby pulak lah yer.. hehe.. After semua game dah selesai, lets go makan- makan...
Sedang makan-makan, mereka mengumumkan 1st runner and Grand Prize winner.. Kami berjaya dan mengumpul mata paling tertinggi.. Kami dari pasukan orange menang! Hahaha...
.wajah keseronokan kami.
.she's the one who let me in the Extreme Park..She's also support me, "your team still not enough member and need you". Thank you sis. Actually i don't know her name.. Shame on me.!
I ♥ My Corby
That all for today.. Thank you.. I love you all.. Maaf seribu kali maaf.. ("!)

Lucky you!
BalasPadamYeah.. so lucky.. shame on me.. ;(
BalasPadamx aci.dtg lmbt dpt hadiah.. :p
BalasPadamala.. saya pun rasa macam tu.. tapi saya keletihan menjadi photographer untuk team saya.. orait la tu.. hehe..
BalasPadamrezeki ruby...tuh yg aku ckp kat zaid..takpe dtg lambat..at least dtg..seb baik ko dtg,kalau tak melepas samsung corby...kalau ko ckp kat rina aritu ble tukar colour phone tu..rina ada tanya,tapi time dia tanya ko dan zaid dan balik
BalasPadam7 Tips untuk tingkatkan trafik ke blog anda
ohhh x aci.. nak corby jugak..~!!!
BalasPadamohhh x aci.. nak corby jugak..~!!!
BalasPadamohh mau corby juga...~!!!
BalasPadamEyriqazz : yelah bang.. memang rezeki ruby.. hehe.. nasib baik abg pun support jugak.. hehe.. ala.. yeke rina tanya.. hrmm.. takpelah.. saya dah mula suka dengan warna kuning nih.. hahaha..
Puteri Katak : Nak corby kena beli ngan voucher.. ada diskaun.. hehe.. Memang hari bertuah saya.. Jadi pasukan sorak dan jurugambar pun dah menyumbangkan tenaga.. haha..
semoga post i memeriahkan lagi keseronokan haritu, dpt sebijik lagi phone corby...
BalasPadamazree : dapat lagi sebiji? wow.. meletops..!
BalasPadamsy ada buat contest.. jom join...
BalasPadamhahaa congrats again =)
BalasPadamuntil now the "paintball lovebite" hasn't dissapeared from my neck LOL
WiraTLC : okayh.. will join the contest.. :D
BalasPadamSam : haha.. almost 1 week didn't disappeared? Sound so serious.. its on your neck.. better u check with a doctor.. :(
BalasPadamwhoa. best ah. xpasal pasal dapat phone free
BalasPadamAriffshah : hahaha.. tulah.. tebalkan muka je la time tu.. huhu.. :D
BalasPadamHaha I'm la the 'sis' tuh :) My name's Yuen Yee! Nice to meet you Rabiatul, hope to see you at other Nuffnang events again!
BalasPadambestnye dapat corby!
BalasPadamCatat Ulasan
PERHATIAN: Pihak RUBY.MY tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas komen-komen yang diberikan oleh pembaca. Sila pastikan anda fikir terlebih dahulu sebelum meninggalkan komen yang berbaur negatif. Segala komen adalah hak dan tanggungjawab anda sendiri.
Setiap penulisan dan komen adalah termaktub dalam Akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia 1998. Akta ini merupakan undang-undang siber yang digubal di Malaysia pada 15 Oktober 1998, dan mendapat perkenan Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada 23 September 1998. Ia mula berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 1999.
Seseorang yang melanggar atau melakukan kesalahan akan disabitkan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM50,000 atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi satu tahun atau kedua-duanya dan juga boleh didenda selanjutnya RM1,000 bagi setiap hari atau sebahagian daripada sehari kesalahan diteruskan selepas pensabitan.