Food Review:Minum Petang Sensation at Belanga
Ahad, Oktober 24, 2010
Food Review:Minum Petang Sensation at Belong | hi all bloggers, this time is about food.. yummy.
Food Review:Minum Petang Sensation at Belanga
I’m got invitation from feeqsay to join minum petang sensational 2010 at Belanga Cafe.
Do you ever heard of Belanga cafe?
Belanga Cafe is a Potpourri of Malay Cuisine, set to thrill its customer with it home made style authentic malay food such as nasi dagang, nasi kerabu and nasi tumpang.
Minum petang yesterday is awesome due to the delicacies they provide to us. The food is so good. Here some picture of the day.
Roti jala
Murbatak and sauce
Anak dara dua sebilik
cucur udang
Tahi itik
This is the inside of Belanga Cafe
If you are like love eating come to this place. or you can join at faceboo/belangacafe.
Let enjoy some food..