Movie Review: Magika | hello to all readers, today entry is about the Malaysian movie Magika.. Do you watch that movie? hmmm..
Movie Review: Magika
So let me tell you about the musical movie Magika.. So here the synopsis of the movie.
Ayu and Malik, two sibblings is going through their darkest moments of life when their beloved mother just passed away. Malik feels so depressed believing he was the main cause of his mother’s death. During one of the evenings after a fight with his sister, Malik left to take a stroll in the forest. On and on he went until he realised he was lost and the next very moment, he appeared in another dimension called Magika.
Not only had he gotten himself lost, he was captured by a Nenek Kebayan and her follower, Awang Kenit. He is now subjected to be used as an experiment by the Nenek Kebayan to produce Essence of Youth made of human child’s tears. Upon hearing Malik’s cries for help, Ayu rushed to help her brother and she too is sucked in the Magika mystical land.
Ayu had to endure various types of challenges and obstacles in finding and to save her brother in her journey in the Magika world. And so begins the encounters of both the siblings with famous Malay heroes and myths like Badang, Dragon of Tasik Chini, Nenek Kebayan, Puteri Bunian, Pak Pandir, Hang Tuah and the Warriors of Melaka, Puteri Gunung Ledang, Bawang Putih and a lot more characters. The irony of it, all these characters actually sing in their conversation with each other!
Will Ayu be able to rescue Malik and leave the mystical land of Magika? What happens to Badang, Nenek Kebayan and other characters in Magika? Will Malik be able to overcome his dilemma over his mother’s death?
Come and watch Magika the movie, first local musical movie.
Here is some screenshot about the movie. Enjoy it.:)

Pelakon & watak
Diana Danielle – Ayu
Mawi – Bad @ Badang
Shafimie Saedon – Malik
Ziana Zain – Nenek Kebayan
Ning Baizura – Puteri Gunung Ledang
Maya Karin – Puteri Bunian
M.Nasir – Penunggu Gua
Norman KRU – Pokok Bersaudara
Edry KRU – Pokok Bersaudara
Yusry KRU – Pokok Bersaudara
Aznil Nawawi – Pak Pandir
Raja Azura – Mak Andeh
Datuk Jalaluddin Hasan – Murad (Ayah Ayu dan Malik)
Ogy Ahmad Daud – Ija (Ibu Ayu dan Malik)
Sharifah Amani – Bawang Putih
Sharifah Aleya – Bawang Merah
Adibah Noor – Makcik Halia
Ruminah Sidek – Tok Wan
Sabri Yunus – Bendahara
Saiful Apek – Hang Tuah
Mazlan Pet Pet – Hang Jebat
Azlee Senario – Hang Kasturi
Hamdan Ramli – Hang Lekir
Illya Buang – Hang Lekiu
Vanidah Imran – Mahsuri
Norman Hakim – Lembing Awang Pulang Ke Dayang
Nabil – Orang Minyak
Zaibo – Nujum Pak Belalang
Hadziq – Belalang
Marsha Milan Londoh – Puteri Santubong
Azhari Mohd Zain – Doktor
I give this movie 10/10.. So enjoyable..
Stay tune again for more excitement ok.:)
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