BBQ Chicken | Jaya One | Food Review

BBQ Chicken | Jaya One | Food Review

BBQ Chicken | Jaya One | Food Review | Hi, who’s don't like chicken? Raise your hand. Owh.. Don’t worry cause i won’t chase you away. Haha!

BBQ Chicken | Jaya One | Food Review

I have try the no 1 Korea’s Chicken Restaurant! It’s located at Jaya One, Petaling Jaya! Yes, it is Halal food ok! All the food review that review by me is 100% Halal Restaurant. If not Halal, how can i review. Aiyoh! Haha.!

BBQ Chicken is Best of the Best Quality Chicken not a barbecue! The best things here, if fried food. BBQ Restaurant will use Olive oil for frying only. It’s good!

Kochi 3 Skewers of grilled chicken with BBQ sauce and home made herbs.

Fried chicken. Fried with Olive oil! in Malay is Minyak Zaitun! Healthy!

Jerk BBQ. Haha! Yes, it’s sound funny. But the taste is so delicious! Whole chicken leg cooked over charcoal fire with no additional oil used then spread with authentic Korean Style barbecue sauce made of more than natural seasonings and red pepper grain giving it a little tingle of spiciness.

Col-Pop Chicken. This is so sweeeeet.. Next time will come here with my bf and i will odder this. Can share! Hahaha! You know what, u can eat and u can drink. Can choose any carbonate drink.

Pat Bing Soo. Vanilla ice cream, red bean, fruit cocktail, nata de coco, korean rice cake, strawberry and chocolate with crushed ice. nom nom nom.. I like this much!! I want it again!

Glitterati Plus My blogger. Ada ramai lagi!

Hihi. Zaid help me to taste the food!

So, feeling hungry? I know.. I know.. hihi. do visits for more details and nom nom nom..

For more information about Jaya One, visits

Picture credit to Aie from and Serge from

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