Rock The World 10 on 26 December 2010 powered by Tune Talk

Rock The World 10 on 26 December 2010 powered by Tune Talk

Rock The World 10 on 26 December 2010 powered by Tune Talk | “ROCK THE WORLD 10″

Rock The World 10 on 26 December 2010 powered by Tune Talk

Date: 26 December 2010
Venue: National Stadium, Bukit Jalil (Car Park A)
Time: 10 am – 12 midnight

Tune Talk, the country’s fastest growing mobile prepaid service, will once again bring music lovers for a journey into the musical realm by sponsoring the tenth edition of Rock The World, the annual outdoor music festival featuring hot current and up-and-coming musical talents of Malaysia. Tune Talk will be the Official Mobile Prepaid for the rocking event.

Recognising that that the community is continuously craving for more top quality entertainment and performances, Tune Talk has come on board as the official mobile prepaid for Rock The World 10 which will take place at the National Stadium compound in Bukit Jalil on 26 December 2010 from 10 am to 12 midnight. Organised by Fat Boys, the concert will feature 19 exciting, top notch bands including among others, award-winning Pop Shuvit, Bunkface, Azlan & The Typewriter, Gerhana Skacinta, Disagree and Love Me Butch, who will be rocking the stage all day long.

Tickets are affordably priced at RM30 and can be obtained from Ticketpro outlets, Rock Corner, Music Valley and at the venue. More details can be obtained by calling Ticketpro at 03-7880 7999 or visiting Rock The World official website at

Pop Shuvit


Participating Bands;

1. Love Me Butch
2. Dragon Red
3. Bittersweet
4. Disagree
5. Lo
6. Gerhana Skacinta
7. Republic of Brickfields
8. They Will Kill Us All
9. One Buck Short
10. SevenCollar Tshirt
11. Bleeding Mascara
12. Azlan & The Typewriter
13. Pop Shuvit Bunkface
14. The Pilgrims
15. Massacre Conspiracy
16. Dichi Michi
17. Skudap Skudip
18. Couple

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