Rock The World 10 powered by Tune Talk | Stadium Bukit Jalil

Rock The World 10 powered by Tune Talk | Stadium Bukit Jalil

Rock The World 10 powered by Tune Talk | Stadium Bukit Jalil | Hi, I’m having a great time at Rock The World 2010 at Stadium Bukit Jalil. Seriously!

Semua band yang membuat persembahan sangat bersemangat and the best part is, all the crowd remember all the band songs!

Rock The World 10 powered by Tune Talk | Stadium Bukit Jalil

Its really hot weather! Haha!

Tune Talk already manage everything! Have food stall, paramedic booth and Elevate Booth!

Paramedic team.

This is true! Adik Fizi won the guitar!

Indie Stage

Rina from 8TV Quickie was the Emcee for Indie Stage!


1. Grey Sky Morning
2. Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Named Bob
3. Kyoto Protocol
4. Hello Is This The Band
5. Free Deserters
6. Prema Yin
7. An Honest Mistake
8. Car Crash Hearts
9. Restraint
10. Lab The Rat
11. Rosevelt
12. Cassandra
13. Deja Voodoo Spells
14. Stonebay

Main Stage


1. Dichi Michi
2. Skudap Skudip
3. Couple
4. Massacre Conspiracy
5. Azlan & the Typewriter
6. Bleeding Mascara
7. Republic of Brickfields
8. Pop Shuvit
9. Dragon Red
10. They Will Kill Us All
11. Bunkface
12. Gerhana Skacinta
13. Love Me Butch
14. SevenCollar Tshirt
15. The Pilgrims
16. Disagree
17. Bittersweet
18. One Buck Short
19. OAG
20. Lo

Republic of Brickfields

Pop Shuvit


Sam Bunkface

Paan Bunkface

Youk Bunkface

This banner is really good for all of us! Not just a concert!

Gerhana Ska Cinta

I met few blogger friends.

Lastly it’s my picture. With Media Passes and the light!

Thank you to Tune Talk for the Media Passes! Really appreciate it! Next year invite me again k.

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Saiful Naim

I'm a full time worker and part time blogger.

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